For this project I have taken two classic/iconic American movie posters, specifically from the movies ‘American Graffiti’ and ‘Grease’ and have inter-changed the main characters with iconic figures of the American cultural landscape over the past decade, namely: ‘Pamela Anderson,’ ‘Kid Rock,’ ‘Tupac Shakur’ and ‘Biggie Smalls.’

To best utilize the tools for resisting the traditional mechanisms of intellectual copyright regulation by film corporations I have utilised both the Facebook and WordPress platforms in an effort to spread the content of the movie posters faster through social or online networks so that through the proliferation of ‘social’ or ‘peer-to-peer’ production my posters will achieve as much reach as possible.

The purpose of the works being to historically highlight the transformations, particularly within American film making discourse, so as to bring into question the nature of commercial value and entertainment as a source for political and social influence. Using the ‘derivative works’ or past iconic posters for the movies ‘Grease’ and ‘American Graffiti’ with the alterations in their content formation and signification seemingly brings to light these agendas as well as many others the users themselves will bring to their viewing of the works.

The building of the Facebook page, WordPress site and the editing of the posters required engaging with many tools that are in fact vital to the notions of ‘remix cultures’ or even ‘remixable media,’ These included Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and indeed the WordPress content management system that also enabled the sharing services of ‘Facebook,’ ‘Twitter’ and ‘YouTube’ – amongst many others.

Kirsner, S (2010) ‘CinemaTech Filmmaker Q&A: Brett Gaylor of Open Source Cinema.’

Sinnott, S ‘The Load-Down.’ Montreal Mirror, 2007-03-29. Accessed 2008-06-30

CinemaTech interview with Brett Gaylor about Open Source Cinema project at Google Videos (Adobe Flash video)

Rohter, L (2007-03-12) ‘Gilberto Gil and the Politics of Music.’ International Herald Tribune (Salvador, Brazil: The New York Times Company). Retrieved 2008-03-16.

“winners at the IDFA festival 2008”
[SXSW Interactive at the Movies

Macleans article: Mashing-up copyright in ‘RiP: A Remix Manifesto.’
“iofilm review of RiP!: A Remix Manifesto”

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